Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My favorite aunts

Here comes my dad's sisters, they sure were very very happy to see boy, although they said they would have loved me just as much if I was a girl.

Aunt Melanie

Aunt Melissa (Missy)
"I hope she does not cry every time she sees me."

Aunt Michelle

She must have decided it's not that bad
that I look just like my dad.

Cousin Jacie

My family

My dad has been waiting a long long time for me. He says it was very tough on him waiting for 9 months before he got to meet me. My moms eyes seem to roll a lot when he says stuff like it was tough on him.

He sure is good at taking naps with me
Here is my nanna and she already caught my attention
I fit so good in my papa's arm, his hands are a little big but I still got a hold of his finger.
My Grandpa Reinhart was pretty proud to have a grandson to cuddle with
Grandma Reinhart counting my fingers and toes

That's me in there

My mom says that big ball she is carrying in her tummy is me if you can believe that!! She says little me that weighed only 8 pounds 13 ounnces made her gain 66 punds total. My dad says all I have to do is her look at her with my big blue eyes and she forgets all about it.

Only 6-8 more weeks
I guess I could've got a little heavy It took me only 14 hours to decide if I was ready to meet my mom and dad. It was quite a journey and it made me very tired.
I guess it wore us both out. I did learn my mom is a very good cuddler.
Now what an angel I am.