Wednesday, October 31, 2007


My first Halloween and I am a giraffe, my mom says I am the cutest giraffe she has ever seen. I went trick or treating at a few houses and I managed to get quite a bit of candy. My mom is being pretty mean and will only let me try and little at a time, I think that's pretty unfair since I did all the work!!:) I did get to have a sucker though and it was sooooo good!

Giraffes can play the piano

I really want to get in there but it is so icky!

Me and my mom

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Grandpa's 80th Birthday

Mom and I headed to Wibaux to celebrate my Great Grandpa Barthel's 80th birthday party. All I know is he must have been here when there were dinosaurs cuz I am not even 1 years old and 80 years is many many moons away.

Here is my Grandpa Ray- looks pretty good for 80 years old. Then there is sissy (Bo Marie), she is always trying to be so silly.

Here is my Great Grandma Audre', she hates the cameral but loves her grandkids!
Makenna, my second cousin, showing me off a little bit.
There is sissy again, she just watched Nana sing and now she is putting on a show of her own with Abby, also my second cousin.
What a pair we are!
Me and my Papa.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Baby Food?!?!?

No more baby food? I still am a fan but am liking some new big boy foods. Today I got to try pancakes and peaches! They were very yummy!! My mom does not let me have very much because I put so much in my mouth I tend to choke a lot. My mom gets very scared so she says til I learn, I only get a couple of pieces at a time. I am pretty sure if I smile or scream loud enough, I will get more!! I am pretty good at that already!!

These pancakes are very good, I cannot wait til I get to have syrup on them too!