Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Me and my dad and mom

I love to read with my dad. Me and my mom laying down for quiet time.
Yeah right- I don't know what quiet time means!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Getting Close

I am getting so much closer to that walking thing. I can take about 5 steps at a time then my mom says I get way to excited and crash and burn. Sandy (daycare) thinks that I am just going to skip walking and go right on to running. I wonder why she thinks that!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My favorite toy

This is the one thing I do make sure I play with everyday. I love all the music and different sounds it makes. Everytime I push, roll, or pull something and music plays, my tush just starts a groovin.

I like to practice no hands.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Look what I found

I have been finding so many new things in my house, today I opened the kitchen cupboards and found quite a surprise. There were so many bowls to pull out and bang around, who needs toys.

Lets see what is all the way back there.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Is this walking?

My mom pulled out this cool car that lets me walk around the house. She says she is not enocouraging me to walk any sooner then normal but she sure gets a kick out of watching me.
Just checking things out.
This is pretty easy.
I guess I spoke too soon.
Back on my feet again.
There are lots of road blocks in my house.