Friday, December 28, 2007

1 year old

Since I am now 1 years old, I have had lots of tricks up my sleeve that I have been waiting to share. I can feed myself (well kinda)...

Check out my new "toy"...
See what I can do...
Trevor is here visiting from Las Vegas.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My second "first" Christmas

I know you all my be confused but this is my second Christmas, but the first time Christmas passed I was only 13 days old and do not remember a whole bunch so to me this is my "first" Christmas.
Bo Marie got to unwrap a tea party set from my mom and dad and I loved to help her clear the table (even when she was not ready).
The Barthels and Reinharts and yes my mom is bringing me a new brother or sister in another 6 months... she has not just got really really fat!!
I cannot leave out my puppy, Dakota.
Me and Bo- everyone says she was acting like Brittany Spears (whoever that is)!!
Finally my mom and dad said I could rip these presents open and not get in trouble.
I love books...

Who got the BIG one this year?
It's hard work on a little dude.
Look at us...
Grace, Jaci, Kayla, Courtni, and me.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

1 years old

We celebrated my 1st birthday party a couple days early so I would have the rest of the day to recuperate. It was such a big day for me. I got to have my own birthday cake, I have never tasted something so good. Then I ripped all these boxes open and my mom and dad did not even get mad, in face they were clapping when I did it. To my surprise there were toys in those big boxes.
I had to be careful not to touch the burning candle.
Here I go...
All over my fingers, I was not to sure what I thought about that right away.
That is pretty darn good stuff, half chocolate and half yellow cake.
Now I am really getting it down.
Sooo big...
My new dump truck that I can probably ride in.
I am a Kawasaki boy now.
Tearing into something new.
My new truck.