Monday, July 14, 2008

20 days old
Making cookies with my mom.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Austin and Gabi(19 days old)
Great Aunt Diane helping out

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


My dad thought he needed to relax with a beer so I thought I would join him.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

We spent the 4th of July in Wibaux with all my family.
Taking a break after "checking out" the sprinkler.
Bo is giving it a shot.
Cousin Annie just grabbed me and ran...I think I liked it.
Nana and Gabi (15 days old)
Me and my dad...could you be any cooler?
Great Grandma and Grandpa Barthel
Makenna and Gabi
Here is most of us
Cousin Carrie and Ben
Watching fireworks with my dad...of course Nana is not to far away.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

12 days old
19 months old and yes I still love my plug
I love my little sister
Isn't that worth a $1000...haha
16 days old

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Washing the car

My dad decided to wash the cars one sunny afternoon and I knew I would be so much help so I headed outside with him.

I love to wear my hat for just a minute.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the big slide

My daycare took us on a trip to the zoo and we got to spend a little time at the park too. Mom came and watched for a little bit, she kept on saying oh my gosh when I went up the big slide. I think she still thinks I am too little to do this but she doesn't know I have been going down by myself for a long time now!

I do think I am pretty funny...

All that hard work of climbing, I just need a break to be silly.