Saturday, August 30, 2008

Say Cheese

I never miss a beat when I have a chance to say CHEESE!!
I thought you said sissy would sit nice for the picture.
My sissy is so sweet...sometimes!
I am 20 months old and sissy is 10 weeks old.
I really do love her.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My sissy is only 9 weeks old and my dad thinks she can fit into my shirt, he is so silly.

See how I share my blankets and Pooh Bear with sissy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just like my mom

I love to do whatever my mom does and I knew my dad would love this one.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Billings here we come

We made our big road trip with Gabi, my sissy, at 7 weeks old. She did pretty darn good considering it is a 6-8 hour trip. Of course, I was just an angel. We had so much fun with Papa, Nana, Uncle Lane and Cousin Bo Marie.
Can Papa stil buck?
Our horse is looking a little tired.
7 weeks
I just love my little sister and she really thinks I am great.
Chucky Cheese... Mom said I may have been cheating just a little bit at ski ball, but Uncle Lane and Dad said just never mind her!!
Look at me now.
These horses are not as fun as Papa is.
Me and Papa
Gabi and mom
Nana and Gabi
Great Grandma and Gabi... Great Grandma took such good care of my sister all weekend long.
My mom says everyone needs one of these pictures.
My cousins, Bo Marie and Ben, and I were just chillin at the Mustangs baseball game.
Ben and I just testing out the basketball court at the park.

Friday, August 1, 2008