Saturday, September 27, 2008

Party at Daycare

John and Sandy (daycare providers) think we are so much fun they invited us over for a bbq. It was lots of fun to play with my friends and have my mama and dada there too.
My dad wants me to make sure everyone sees my cool sweatshirt from Papa and Nana.
Sometimes I forget that David is younger than me and I have to be a little nicer.
We are pretty good buddies though.
David, Desirae, and me all playing at the picnic table and occasionally having a taste of sand.
One of my favorite new tricks is to pretend that I am sleeping.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gabi Jean

September 21, 2008 already and my little sister is 3 months old.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gabrielle Jean's Big Day

Gabrielle Jean Reinhart, my baby sister, was baptized on September 20, 2008 at Corpus Christi with all our family and friends.

Deacon Lynn Clancy also helped with my baptism, but I think I was a lot happier than my sissy is.
Gabi's godparents are Aunt Missy and Corey and Blaise Reagle.

Great Grandpa Ray and Great Grandma Audre Barthel
Me and Bo were making "big moves" in the bath tub.
Bo and Gabi.
Uncle Lane and Gabi.
After a very big day...
me and Bo were pretty worn out...and daddy too!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Papa's Pumpkin Patch

On a very warm September evening, we headed out to the pumpkin patch to show Nana, Papa, Uncle Lane, and Bo what we mean when we say "lots of pumpkins!"
I am 21 months old and this is my second time out to the pumpkin patch but Gabi is only 3 months old and I had to show her the ropes.
This slide was a lot faster than the park, but I wanted more.
Bo loved the slide too.
Bo and Uncle Lane got a picture with the scare crows, I just stood back and watched. Maybe next year me and Gabi will take our turn.
Look how tall we are.
Papa and Gabi watching me and Bo way up high on the hay bales.
Nana and Gabi sitting in the wagon.
Papa, Nana, and baby (Gabi).
Me and Bo riding in the train.
We decided we better sit down down for one quick picture, although we were not that excited about it.

Never miss a chance to be silly.
I have a picture like this from last year so baby (Gabi) had to get one too.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sesame Street Live: Elmo Ready for Action

I could not believe my eyes...the curtains opened and out popped Elmo!!! If you do not know yet, I think Elmo is the deal. I was pretty excited when he came to town and danced around with all his friends. I kicked back, had some popcorn and watched with wide open eyes as Elmo put on the best show I have ever seen.

Enjoying some popcorn.
Ella not taking her eyes away.
Aunt Michelle and Kayla sharing a kiss during the show.
Grace just sitting back and taking it all in.

Friday, September 12, 2008


We all headed down to Folkfest where there are lots and lots of booths set up of all kinds of cool stuff. I did hear my mom it sure is easier to look at all the booths without me and Gabi's help. I am not sure what she is talking about cuz I thought we were very helpful that day.
I got to dride in the choo choo train.
My mom said, "I drive just like my dad."