Friday, January 23, 2009

First milkshake

Gabrielle got to have her first milkshake and it was soooo good.
Momma even let me sit on the couch, what was she thinking.
Daddy helping sissy get a taste.
Gabrielle only needed to be shown one time and she knew what to do.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Papa's Polar Patch

We spent a couple hours at Papa's Polar Patch on our day off. It was a little chilly but Jace was ready to go all day.
Gabi (7 months) Jace (2)
I am such a big helper that I even gave my sissy a ride in the sled.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My friend Ella's birthday

Ella turned 3 years old and invited us over for a swim.

Lyric, Kollin, and me checking out our goodie bags.
My dad took me swimming and we had soooo much fun.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Day

We spent a lot of the day just relaxing at home, I think my mom and dad had a little too much fun the night before.
It looks like sissy had a rough night too, she fell asleep sitting up on the couch!