Sunday, February 8, 2009

The day after

The day after momma's birthday even Gabrielle was whipped.

She just fell asleep all by herself.
Me and Gabrielle hanging on mom and dad's bed. My mom says sometimes I get confused and think its my bed too!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Momma's birthday

My mom turned 31 years old today and she keeps saying she is really okay with that. I am not sure what that means cuz why wouldn't you be okay with having a birthday?!?
Gabrielle as I now like to call her is showing off on my 4 wheeler.
I had to help my mom blow out the candles.
Kayla was there too helping my mom.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

The Broncos didn't show up today but we still love em!!
Ella (3) and me hooking some beads together. My dad thought this was okay as long as I didn't make a necklace or anything like that.
Me and the boys... Jet, Lyric, and Kollin.
Me and Jet got into the beads again.

Like I said... we still love the Broncos.
Tracy, Lyric, and Toni

Gabi has had enough football for one day.
Corey and Blaise
Ella, Heather, Karl, and Kollin