Sunday, March 29, 2009

Someone is crawling

Gabi started crawling and now she is all over the place, I really have to pick up my toys now or she tries to take them away. So far I have always been there and say No No Gabrielle.
Trying to pull herself up at my cars table.
Gabi checking out my most favorite toy when I was little like her.
Gabi loves to be on the move.
I am always up for a big CHEESE.
Showing my dad who's boss.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Moving Day

Moving into our new apartment me and my sister were lots and lots of help.
Gabi was not that much help here when she got stuck under her changing table. Taking a break with Pooh.
Helping Blaise hang some pictures while my mom just sits and watches us! :)
My dad says I was a way better helper then my mom.
Busted.... Gabi ( 9 months) thinks she is a big helper... not so much!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tackle anyone

My favorite thing to play with my dad is tackle...aka football. My sissy, Gabi, is turning into quite a little cheerleader.
Gabi (9 months)
Tackled again...
My intimidation face...
Seeing if Diego has any good moves I can use on my dad!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Scoot and roll

My sissy is 8 1/2 months old and she can pretty much get anywhere she wants by either the scoot or roll. I have tried to show her how to crawl but she just does not listen to her big brother. My mom just says I might as well get used to it.

That's me trying to get Gabi to try and crawl.