Saturday, April 25, 2009

Monster Trucks

My dad and I had a boys night on the town and headed to the Monster Trucks. I did think it was pretty cool but it was very very loud.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Me and Sis

When we went to Wibaux for Easter, Bo was so nice and gave Gabi her Dora chair and of course I have my Elmo chair. My mom thinks we look so cute when we both sit in our chairs.

Mom says she does not remember me being as "busy" as Gabrielle is, she never lets mom take a break.

This is right before Gabrielle pulled the video shelf on herself for about the hundredth time...will she ever learn like I did.

Popsicle anyone...

The last couple of days it has been almost like summer around here so mom busted out the popsicles. I'm a pro at this but Gabrielle had to have a little help.

Can't decide what she thinks.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

10 months old

My sissy turned 10 months old yesterday and she is already trying to sneak out. I think my mom and dad have their hands full.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I thought it was exciting when my sister started crawling but she gets into all my stuff! She even crawled into my room when I was not in there and started playing with my toys. All I know is I really have to keep an eye on her and make sure she knows what toys are mine and what toys are ours to share. :)
Gabrielle was so proud of herself.
On a mission to get the rest of my toys out of her reach.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We headed down the road to Weeboo (Wibaux) to see Papa, Nana, Unce (Uncle) Lane, and Bo and of course the Easter bunny. My mom keeps saying the Easter bunny will only be coming if I am very good boy, pretty sure I got that nailed already.

The Easter bunny is so smart that she brought the same outfit for Gabi that Bo got on her birthday and my mom was trying to get a picture and Bo Marie was not in a picture taking mood.
Ella loves my sister...

and Gabi loves Ella too.
Bo, Ella, and me helping Aunt Virginia blow out her candles.

The Easter bunny did find us in Wibaux at Grandpa and Grandma Barthel's house. We all found out baskets right away in the morning. Of course I found mine before my mom even had her camera ready, I guess she didn't realize how fast I was. If you can tell my Uncle Lane was not quite ready to get out of bed!! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bo, Makenna (holding Gabi), Tate, Ella
Abby and me (Jace)
My sister and dad cheering me on in my first Bunny Hop race, my Aunt Virginia thinks of everything.
And I'm still going...
Showing off my bunny trophy after the race.
Bo Marie is ready for the next one.
Ella on the hunt for some eggs.
Tate headed for the trees.
Gabi watching all her cousins and of course me (her favorite brother) run crazy looking for Easter eggs.
Bo scanning underneath the deck.

Annie giving me and extra boost since.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Gabi (9 months) hanging with Great Grandpa Barthel.

Bo and I colored easter eggs, my dad thought I mixed a little too much but it was good.