Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Zoo

Can you believe it was finally nice enough for my mom and dad to take us to the zoo. I was so excited to see all the animals, especially the bears, tigers, and monkeys.
Taking a ride on the choo choo train.

Me and the tiger.
I even got to feed the goats all by myself, since I can do EVERYTHING all by myself.
Gabrielle is getting to be such a big girl.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Diaper Derby Toddler Trot

It was the 5th Annual Diaper Derby Toddler Trot at the mall and I was pumped and ready to race. I practiced all morning and it must have worked cuz I took 2nd place!!
Melanie giving me some last minute tips which definitely came in handy.
Now my sister on the other hand needs lots and lots more practice. I think she must have got confused cuz when the race started she just sat and watched all the other babies crawl to the finish line.