Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baseball with Nana

Nana came to visit so we thought we should teach her how to play baseball.
Gabi does not know what is going on either!
This is the new style...no bottoms and your slippers on.
Our "yard" when we lived in the apartment.
Cruisin on my four wheeler.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Kids

Snuggling with Pooh and blankie
Lots of energy after my snooze.
Nana did Gabi's hair.
Looks like Gabi got busted... but the question is doing what!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Gabi loves my 4 wheeler and my mom and dad tell me I am such a good boy for sharing with my sissy.
13 months old
Gabi thinks she is quite the deal now that she can walk, but don't worry I am still faster!!