Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cowboy Jace

We spent the afternoon with Clint, Jada, Ella, and Gavin and I was so excited because Clint got Sassy saddled up for me and Ella to ride. If you didn't know, I am going to ride bulls when I get big with my hat on!!

Clint, Sassy, and I headed out for round 1.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Who's" hair

Just in case anyone missed out it is Dr. Seuss month and we have been celebrating at daycare by dressing crazy, making oooblek, and of course having "Who's" hair.
My dad gave me a mohawk for "Who's" hair at daycard.

Momma gave Gabi 4 ponytails... I heard her saying 1 is hard enough I cannot believe they are doing 4!
Gabi ws brushing her teeth and trying to wash her hands as mom was trying to do her hair.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cowboys and Cowgirls

The last time we were in Wibaux I found Grandma Barthel's stash of horses so guess who got to come home a cowboy!!
Gabi and Princess

Me and Buckshot
Bring the bulls on...