Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Being silly

Nothing makes my dad prouder then when I wear Gabi's heels!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Kramer Klan

It was a beautiful day becuase my Grandpa Jim earned his wings and got to see his love (Grandma Shirley) after 35 years!!
Most of the Kramers

All eight of the Kramer girls: Joy, Tammy, Susan, Judy, Rita, Wendy, Linda, Mary Jo
Joy's family
Susan and Tammy were unable to bring the rest of their family.
Judy's family
Rita's family Wendy's family
Linda's family
Mary Jo's family

Bathtime with Bo

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We have to take advantage of the very few nice days we have with a little hopscotch.
Gabi is learning to hop from her very favorite brother.
Here is the pro hopscotcher.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Out to watch the Bismarck Bobcats and our favorite mascot, Scratch, and some good friends.
Ella and Scratch
Kollin, Jace, and Scratch

Hanging with Grace and Kayla

Grace and Kayla came over and spent the day with us.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


We were so happy to arrive in Billings after our 7 hour trip to spend Easter with Papa, Nana. Uncle Lane, and Bo Marie. We always have so much just do not enjoy the ride there or back.
Ben and I were on the hunt... who will get to the egg first?
Gabi found some eggs too, this is Gabi's 1st egg hunt that she got to do on her own.
That Easter bunny is so sneaky...
It looks like Ben found another one...
This is so much fun!
Ben checking out what kind of goodies are in his bag.
Gabi too...
Look mom what I got...

Getting ready for church...Gabi got all dressed up but I thought I would wear my new Sponge Bob shirt and Diego sandals!! My mom just shook her head at me and said oh well!!
What did the East bunny bring? Gabi may not have put pants on but she made sure she had her new sandals on from Papa and Nana.
It was more important for Gabi to find her basket than to put pants on...

I got my new Diego sandals on from Nana and Papa.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gabi is getting to be a pro and coloring eggs.
Of course my cousin, Bo Marie, really knows how it is done.
I thought it was supposed to be green...
Nana trying to help Gabrielle

Friday, April 2, 2010

Chucky Cheese

We definitely cannot go to Billings without visiting Chucky Cheese.
Shara even stopped by to say hi.
I am turning into quite a basketball player.
This was Gabi's favorite ride.
So of course I thought I should check it out too.