Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hanging at the pool

Hanging at the pool or at least dangling our feet in, sissy was not to enthused about getting in the water. Mom says it's cuz she thinks she is a princess.

Me and my dad in the deep end.

Gabi the shade princess.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The day after the party...

Gabi got some good presents from her birthday, even I wanted to play a little bit.
Me and Gabi's baby having a snack.
Gabi feeding her baby some lunch.

Gabi is so good with her babies.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gabrielle turns 2

Gabrielle turned 2 years old and we had a birthday party for her at the park with our friends and family.
Melanie, Gabi, and of course me.
Kayla, Gabi, Missy, and Ellie.

What is it....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Quade reunion

This is my second Quade reunion and we had lots and lots of fun running around outside all weekend and playing with all my cousins.
Uncle Lane was playing softball so he couldn't make it this time.
Hanging at the bonfire with my dad and sister.
Me and my dad and my dinosaur monster truck that Nana and Papa won me at the silent auction.
Cheering on mom at horseshoes, I think she even won a game but my dad says don't say that too loud!!
Me and Gabi playing horseshoes ourselves.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Go Diego Go

Diego came to the mall to say hi and give us all a hug!!! It was soooo cool!!!