Sunday, September 26, 2010


My dad and mom got to take their first trip together since their honeymoon, they say they had an amazing time. Not so sure how it could be so amazing without Gabi and me...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Papa's Pumpkin Patch 2010

It was a beautiful day in September so we were off to the Pumpkin Patch with big smiles. Gabi (2) and Jace (3)
Gabi and her daddy.
Jace loves the cheesy grin.
Grace joined us for the day too.
We could not talk my sister into sitting with me for this one.
This is my wonderful family!
My cousin Kayla got to come with us too.
Headed down the slide, my sister is always scared of slides til she goes the first time, then we can never get her off.
Gabi did not want to ride with me but I thought it would be so much fun...guess not!!
All aboard!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Minot Zoo

We spent a beautiful day in Minot at the zoo. We got to see giraffes, lions, and penguins and lots of other very cool animals. Checking out the penguins.
Gabi was looking at the penguins too.
Grace and Kayla rode along with us too.

Me, Ellie, Kayla, Grace, and Gabi all looking good.
Gabi climbing like the monkeys.

Kayla doing a puzzle...
and me...

and Gabi too.

Funny faces

Gabi and I being silly before we take off to the zoo.
