Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas at daycare

We had our Christmas party at daycare and my mom and dad got to come too.
Desirae, Maisy, and me drinking some very yummy punch.
Me and Sandy, the very lucky gal who gets to hang out with me all day!! :)
This is John, Sandy's husband, we sure have a lot of fun when he is around.
Dawson (9 months) and Gabi (6 months) with Santa hats on.
Megan, Dawson's sister, plays nice with my sissy.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas Day in Wibaux and we got Bo Marie an EZ Bake and of course at 10:30 pm she thought we should make cookies and Uncle Lane (her dad) said okay.
Bo and I stirring the batter.
My mom and Uncle Lane trying to help me and Bo make cookies, my mom seemed to think this was all a bit funny. Papa was standing by making sure all went okay.
Uncle Lane showing us how to roll the dough into little balls.
Uncle Lane was quite a trooper this weekend, he even sat with us for breakfast at Bo's princess table. Just so everyone knows I am sitting on one of my Cars chairs and not those girly princess chairs.
I am always ready to say cheese.
Gabi trying her first food after cereal, sweet potatoes.
Bo and I got to lay Baby Jesus in the manger in front of Grandpa and Grandma Barthel's house. I know if my cousin Bo is reading this she will be saying that she got to do it, but I did get to help! :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve in Bismarck with my family.
Kayla and I playing in the boxes after we opened presents.

Gabi and I taking just one more picture, at least that is what eveyone kept telling us!!
My cousins Kayla and Grace and of course sissy and me.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jace is 2 years old

I turned two years old this year on December 12, 2008, if you can believe that. I don't think it is that hard to believe but I keep hearing my mom and dad say, I can't believe he is two already so it must be a big deal. I got to have my birthday party at the Mandan Community Center with all my friends and family and we were able to swim and go down the waterslides.
My sissy, Gabi, in her first swimming suit at 6 months old.
Opening presents with my Grandpa Eddie and my friend Lyric sitting next to me.
They were singing Happy Birthday and Lyric was way off key!! :) My friend Ella is also sitting with me.
My Aunt Melanie made me the coolest cake ever, it was Elmo's head!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Birthday Party

On Saturday afternoon we headed over to Snooper Tons of Fun to celebrate Lyric turning the big 6 years old.
I managed to find a "girlfriend" to help me down the slide!

Even Gabi got to come to the party, she is trying to get Gavin's nose. As you can see I am waiting ver patiently for my cake and ice cream.

The birthday boy, Lyric.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First "brother sister" bath

My sissy was getting a bath and I wanted to get in so bad I could hardly handle it anymore. My mom kept on saying just wait a minute but a minute is way to long for me. Mom decided to let Gabi sit up in her bath chair and me get in with her as long as I did not splash anyone. Now I am not sure what she is talking about cuz I never ever splash! :) As you can see we both had a pretty good time getting all clean.

Friday, November 28, 2008


We headed out to the Begger farm to see what Ben and his dogs were up to.
Oakley and Mocha and sure a lot bigger than Dakota is.
I have tried to sit on Dakota and he does not go for that but Mocha seemed to be okay with it.
Even my sissy wanted a ride from Oakley.

Me and Ben checking things out.

Ben and I were practing for our future talent show.

Gabi did not know what to think being stuck between the big boys.
She seems to be getting the hang of it.
Nick (Ben's dad) holding my sissy.
My mom thought she should have a Kodak moment with Gabi too...whatever that means!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gabi showing off in her bumbo seat.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gabi is just a week shy of being 5 months old already.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hanging with my Vegas cousins

Austin and Trevor Grondahl came all the way from Las Vegas to play with me ( or maybe to come to Aunt Melanie's wedding too:)) but we did have fun.
Playing a little football, I think...
Me and Trevor who is just 9 days older.

My mom was trying very hard to get us to sit nice for a Kodak moment and this is what she got, Austin, Trevor and of course me (Jace).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Getting my grove on

Aunt Melanie and Uncle Wayne were married today, November 1, 2008. It was a very exciting and busy day. I got to walk down the aisle with my cousin Grace and we did so good. My mom says there will be more pics coming soon but she just wanted to get a jumpstart.
I was a dancing machine for about 45 minutes and then the day caught up with me.

A little Ring Around the Rosy