Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jace is 2 years old

I turned two years old this year on December 12, 2008, if you can believe that. I don't think it is that hard to believe but I keep hearing my mom and dad say, I can't believe he is two already so it must be a big deal. I got to have my birthday party at the Mandan Community Center with all my friends and family and we were able to swim and go down the waterslides.
My sissy, Gabi, in her first swimming suit at 6 months old.
Opening presents with my Grandpa Eddie and my friend Lyric sitting next to me.
They were singing Happy Birthday and Lyric was way off key!! :) My friend Ella is also sitting with me.
My Aunt Melanie made me the coolest cake ever, it was Elmo's head!!

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